Friday, March 5, 2021

Revelation Chapter 17 (R17d)

        The Antichrist (5th Seal)

Rev 17:10  There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time.
    Seven former conquerors of Israel:
1st King - Egyptian
2nd King - Assyrian
3rd King - Babylonian (head of gold - 1st beast)
4th King - Mede-Persian (breast and arms of silver - 2nd beast) 
5th King - Grecian (belly of bronze - 3rd beast)

These five empires had fallen before the writing of the book of Revelations. The land of Israel (Palestine) was ruled by the Romans then. 

6th King - Roman Empire (legs of iron) 
7th King - Islamic Empire ended with the Ottoman Empire (feet of iron and clay). 

In 1948, Israel became a nation again. 

Eighth Conqueror - Antichrist
Rev 17:11  The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going into perdition.
8th King - Islamic Alliance (toes of iron and clay - 4th beast) the Antichrist will conquer Israel during World War 3. 

The Mysterious Beast (Satanic)
Rev 17:8a  The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition. 

The beast that was - was the 7th King (Islamic), who with Satanic power defeated the Romans and ruled the land of Israel (Palestine) till the formation of Israel in 1948.

The beast is not - the beast (Satan) is not controlling the present day Israel nor was it involved in its formation in 1948, for it was founded by the will of God

the beast will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition - is the eighth King who will conquer Israel in World War 3.
    The Antichrist, will proclaim himself as god in the Temple of God. At Rapture, he will be killed by the brightness of the coming of our Lord Jesus and will go to perdition.
2 Thess 2:8  And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.

The Ten Kings
Rev 17:12-13  "The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast.
     10 kings will help the Antichrist to conquer the whole world during WW3. After the war, these kings will support him to form the 'One World Order'. They will be his sidekicks who persecute, torture and even kill God's saints. 
    However, these kings can only rule for approximately 4 years until Rapture - a short period (one hour).

The Overcomers
Rev 17:14  "These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful."
    During the wrath of Satan (5th Seal), when Satan is given all power and authority to kill Christians, faithful saints who are saved and discipled during WW3 will gladly face the wrath of Satan's torture and death.
John 15:12-13  This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.