Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Revelation Chapter 6 (R06-5b)

              Fifth Seal

The ulterior motive of Satan is to deceive Christians to apostate by denying Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the Word made flesh and the Triune Godhead and rejecting His gospel, words, truth, and promises so that they will be cast into the Lake of fire.
    With the formation of 'One World Religion', any Christian accepting it will lose his salvation. Satan will use the people to force Christians to accept the OWR, otherwise, they will persecute or martyr the Christians

Rebuilding Temple in God
     The Antichrist will use the Jewish Priesthood to deceive Christians by rebuilding the Temple of God

Removed of Al Aqsa Mosque
Dan 11:31  "And forces shall be mustered by him, and they shall defile the sanctuary fortress; then they shall take away the daily [sacrifices], and place there the abomination of desolation."
   The original text does not have the word [sacrifices]. It can be daily 'function', or 'chores', or 'prayers'. (Sacrifices) was added because only Jews offered daily sacrifices in the temple of God.
   The temple of God was completely destroyed by the Romans in 70AD, 2,000 years ago, and since then Jews could not offer any sacrifice to Yahweh at all.
  Today, standing on the Temple Mount is the Al Aqsa Mosque, which calls Muslims to prayers (5 times daily).

[sacrifices] is best replaced by (call to prayer)

they shall take away the daily call to prayer
    The Antichrist having conquered Jerusalem will be considered a Prophet of Allah. He will then proclaim that Allah is happy with Jerusalem and He wants to live among His people in the temple of God. Immediately the Muslims will remove the Al Aqsa Mosque, thus stopping the daily calls to prayer for the Muslims.

Dan 11:45  And he (king of the North) shall plant the tents of his palace between the seas on (and) the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and no one will help him.
    The Antichrist (king of the North) will build the Temple of God on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

the tents of his palace
 - the tent or tabernacle is the Temple of God, where the Antichrist will declare himself God.
 - his palace -  the Antichrist's dwelling palace, which is the temple of God.
between the seas - Jerusalem lies between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.
the glorious mountain is the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

Dan 9:27a  Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering..."
    After the Al Aqsa mosque and the Dome on the Rock are removed by the Muslims themselves, the Antichrist will make a seven years covenant with the Israelites to rebuild the temple of God, which will be the centre of worship of the OWR.
    All Israelites and Jewish Priesthood must migrate back to Israel to help rebuild the Temple of God. These blind Jewish Priesthood will reinstitute the sacrifices of animals starting with the dedication of the Temple Mount as the site for the rebuilding of the Temple of God. Since the physical body of every born-again Christian is already the temple of God, this new temple to be rebuilt will become the temple of Satan and all services and sacrifices towards the rebuilding of this temple is idolatry.

Note  the Temple institute has already prepared all vessels, utensils, sacrifices, materials and priesthood garments needed for the temple services.

Unlearned Christians will be misled into thinking that God has sent another King Cyrus to save Israel and to rebuild the Temple. They will lose their salvation by believing the priesthood of Satan and participate in the worships and sacrifices live on their smartphones, TV or hologram. Any Christian who dares to reject the OWO and OWR, will face the full wrath of the people.