Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Revelation Chapter 6 (R06-3)

            Third Seal

Rev 6:5-6  When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, "Come and see." So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, "A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine."

Black horse – complete darkness, this will be during the time of great confusion worldwide.
A pair of balance – suggests fairness or unfairness, partiality, injustice, imbalance.
A denarius for a quart of wheat
A denarius for three quarts of barley
A denarius was a day's pay

1. Money Depreciation
     This is a time when money loses its value and is trading at a portion of its original value. Earning a denarius a day was considered as good income during good days but it has lost its value overnight. Inflation raises the price of goods and diminishes currency values.

2. Disparity of Income
    A day's pay might not satisfy the needs and wants of the affluent but it could mean abundance to the poor. This is an indicator of the great disparity of income between the rich and the poor.

Hurt not the oil (Israel)
and wine (Christians are the new wine).
    During this financial crisis, almost all countries will be affected but Israel and Christian nations will certainly be spared.

Asian Financial Crisis 1997
    In 1997, the stock market collapsed but within a few days; Israel, Christian nations and a few other nations recovered. South America, Africa and Asia were badly hit.    
    Malaysia too was badly hit with the ringgit dropping to new lows daily forcing the Prime Minister to anchor it to the US dollar.

Rich becoming Richer
    Affected nations suffered great financial setbacks but the West prospered, making the rich richer. Since then, the income imbalance has progressively widen the gap with the poor still earning US$3/day but the rich have grown from multi-millionaires in 1997 to billionaires in 2007, and are now multi-billionaires.

Earth's Darkest Hour
     The 1997 Asia Financial Crisis put many countries in the red due to currency depreciation and a slump in stock prices and assets. On the contrary, Israel and Christian nations prospered during this darkest hour. God in his infinite wisdom blessed these nations so that they can bless poor countries in return and to spread the salvation of Jesus Christ. Following this, the possible Millennium Bug or Y2K, a catastrpohic error in computing may triggered hysteria in every nation and every individual.

Third Seal Opened in 1997
   I believe the Third Seal was opened in 1997 during the Asian Financial Crisis. In spite of God's favour on Christian nations, US and EU which are major powerhouse in UN, choose to oppress the poorer nations into legalizing homosexuality and same sex marriage. Their tyrannical actions made them a common enemy of many poor countries.

This 3rd Seal again did not affect the temple, Jerusalem nor Israel and therefore our Lord did not mention it in Matthew 24.

Destructive False Christs
    Prosperity gospel, keeping of Jewish traditions, once saved always saved, positive confession, secret rapture and other heresies taught in churches had made Christians selfish, worldly and blind.
    The aftermath of false indoctrination since year 2000 was the starting point where churches begin to hoard treasures and perpetuate the teaching of wrong doctrines to its congregations. Gay and lesbian Christian leaders unashamedly boasted their carnality in the name of God. In addition, there are many greedy covetous pastors and evangelist who are living the high lives of millionaires with God's money. These depraved Christian leaders destroyed the faith of Christian politicians, making them agnostic. Unbelieving politicians are easy vessels for passing the laws on homosexuality, abortions, drugs and many social ills.